com Winesburg, Ohio de Sherwood Anderson que passou para todos os livros de escola. não sei se dito que estas pequenas histórias do midwest surgiram à custa do abandono desse mesmo pequeno midwest, mulher, emprego respeitoso e três filhos -pequenos, depois de quatro dias wondering in the woods.
na p.17 do livro New essays on Winesburg, Ohio de John William Crowley
e ainda
Por agora, A Man of Ideas, um dos contos.
A Man of Ideas
Sherwood Anderson
"HE lived with his mother, a grey, silent woman with a peculiar ashy complexion. The house in which they lived stood in a little grove of trees beyond where the main street of Winesburg crossed Wine Creek. His name was Joe Welling, and his father had been a man of some dignity in the community, a lawyer, and a member of the state legislature at Columbus. Joe himself was small of body and in his character unlike anyone else in town. He was like a tiny little volcano that lies silent for days and then suddenly spouts fire. No, he wasn’t like that—he was like a man who is subject to fits, one who walks among his fellow men inspiring fear because a fit may come upon him suddenly and blow him away into a strange uncanny physical state in which his eyes roll and his legs and arms jerk. He was like that, only that the visitation that descended upon Joe Welling was a mental and not a physical thing. He was beset by ideas and in the throes of one of his ideas was uncontrollable. Words rolled and tumbled from his mouth. A peculiar smile came upon his lips. The edges of his teeth that were tipped with gold glistened in the light. Pouncing upon a bystander he began to talk. For the bystander there was no escape. The excited man breathed into his face, peered into his eyes, pounded upon his chest with a shaking forefinger, demanded, compelled attention." ..
o resto, aqui.
que me fez lembrar Kate Chopin e o seu Desirée's Baby, região diferente, truque final semelhante. se bem que movimentos (novamente) opostos. uma pela integração, ele pela libertação.
light gazing, ışığa bakmak
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
dando início
Publicado por
Ana V.
12:02 PM
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