light gazing, ışığa bakmak

Showing posts with label thanksgiving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thanksgiving. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

memórias de infância alheias

'uott eat eez', dizia a professora pausadamente à plateia de primeiro anistas. ela, a minha, torceu o nariz. [uh??, isto é, ã??] repetiu, 'uott eat eez'. sussurro: "what is it". ah! e agora-sim, de novo: 'uott eez eat?'.

. . .
[thanksgiving:] a long time ago the Pilgrims went to america on the Mayflower, 'cause there were no planes, and when they got there, there was nothing. and then native americans helped them, they teach-ed them how to grow plants and how to catch turkeys 'cause they needed meat. and then they had a big feast together and they lived happily ever after.

somehow, when I decided on English, not much could be foreseen.
