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Showing posts with label Monte Hellman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monte Hellman. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Road to Nowhere (3)

o esforço para encontrar a actriz que será Velma Duran foi afinal o esforço para encontrar Laurie Bird, entrevistada entre quinhentas candidatas e com quem o realizador se envolveu para além da filmagem.

Mike Collett-White notes that Hellman acknowledged that "Sossamon's character had clear parallels with Laurie Bird, who starred in two of Hellman's movies during her brief career. Once romantically linked to Hellman, according to online biographies, she committed suicide in 1979 in her mid-20s. 'We didn't think about that when we were making the movie, but as an afterthought we realized how close this character was to her character,' Hellman told Reuters in an interview. 'After the fact we realized that this really is a kind of tragic story that is very similar to the tragic story of Laurie, and so that's why we dedicated it (to her).'" (daqui) o olhar vago de Laurie, que funcionou tão bem num excelente road movie, e não tão bem, mais tarde, num demi-noir.

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"there's nothing like building up an old automobile from scratch and wiping out one of these detroit machines. That will give you a set of emotions that will stay with you; you know what I mean?"

Monday, April 25, 2011

e outro Monte Hellman

Two-Lane Blacktop, de 1971

(best American road movie?)

Road to Nowhere, Monte Hellman

à primeira vista com um pé no noir, chamado romântico noir, e à segunda vista com tentáculos por todo o lado, a ir rebuscar à história do cinema, levando à letra o texto, os sonhos dos outros. Hellman vê também muitos filmes, masterpieces, e dá uma aula a quem quiser ser aluno. não morro de amores pela citação compulsiva nem pelo excesso (a não ser o excesso de objectos de Iosseliani, ou o excesso psicadélico de David Lynch). uma road to nowhere que ecoa The Lost Highway, mas não é a mesma coisa.

o que gostei mesmo menos: a cena da morte [clímax], plastificado e pouco verosímil. o que gostei mais [até ter pensado nisto mais 2 ou 3 vezes, daqui a algum tempo]: a letra da canção de abertura e de fecho do filme, Tom Russel. e outros momentos bons, na opinião do Cachimbo. as cenas europeias: totalmente a mais, o que percebo depois de saber que aconteceram por falta de orçamento.

e em dois dias vejo verter álcool aos mortos, em película, bem entendido. em Itália os mortos bebem vinho.

imerso em Alain Resnais: "The story really came from two places: my love for film noir, especially 1950s crime thrillers and my appreciation for the films of Monte Hellman. This led to a true hybrid (or mongrel!) because I remembered European films like “Stavisky” and “Last Year at Marienbad” that Monte and I admired. So “Road to Nowhere” became something very much like its director: an American film with something of a European bent." diz Steven Gaydos, aqui.

onde também diz: "People keep comparing our film to the work of David Lynch. He’s a great director but his style is the complete opposite of Monte Hellman. This is really more like Hitchcock’s “Vertigo” but with a European pacing and complexity… [Monte] is both a master filmmaker and a unique presence in American cinema. He’s a true independent, not a poseur, and his vision and spirit have never been dented by the mediocre managers of the film business pursestrings.", coisas um pouco estranhas.

Road to Nowhere (2), sempre com piada, as listas
