para ver também no site. entrevista na Another Mag.
texto no youtube:
Francis Alÿs
Kabul, Afghanistan
In collaboration with Julien Devaux and Ajmal Maiwandi
The film derives from Alÿs' interest in children's street games, such as the art of rolling a wheel with a stick, which he witnessed in Bamiyan and Kabul. Since the object being rolled around the undulating streets of Kabul's old town is a spool of film, "real" turns into "reel."
Source texte :
"Le 05 septembre 2001, les talibans ont confisqués des Milliers de bobines de film des Archives du Film Afghan et brûlés ceux ci à la périphérie de Kaboul. Les gens(le peuple) disent que le feu a duré 15 jours. Mais les Taliban ne savaient pas qu'on leur avaient surtout donnés des copies de films, qui pouvaient être remplacées et pas les négatifs originaux, qui eux ne peuvent pas l'être".
(Texte du générique de fin)
"On the 5th of september 2001, the taliban confiscated thousands of reels of film from the Afghan Film Archive and burned them on the outskirts of Kabul. People says the fire lated 15 days. But the Taliban didn't know they were mostly given film print copies, which can be replaced and not the original negatives, wich cannot".
(texte du générique de fin)
Ce lien vous amènera sur les vidéos de différentes actions qu'il a réalisé ces dernières années, et tous ça en licence Créative Commons, c'est à souligner, car peu d'artistes de cette renommée permettent la diffusion libre de leurs œuvres, alors on en profite et on le partage sans modération ...
Il est né en 1959 à Anvers, c'est un artiste touchant à tous les médias.
Il vit et travaille à Mexico depuis 1986.
Voir sa bio complète sur wikipédia :
Francis Alÿs Public domain videos can be downloaded and shared with others as long as the authorship is credited and there is a link back to the website of the author. These videos cannot be altered in any way or used for commercial purpose nor cannot be displayed or exhibited without the consent of the artist.
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e aproveitar a ocasião para, também na Another, ler Another thing I wanted to tell you, Robert McFarlane on Walking.
light gazing, ışığa bakmak
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Reel, Unreel, Francis Alÿs (2011)
Publicado por
Ana V.
12:10 PM
Saturday, May 22, 2010
sintra ------------------------------------(alienação)
estava um coelho em cima da mesa. e se fosses a passar, os meus passos, e visses exactamente a mesma coisa e pensasses que já ali tinhas passado antes. e se o que eu vi passasse a ser o teu passado.
Publicado por
Ana V.
1:07 AM
TAGS Photos, WalkTheWalk
Monday, May 10, 2010
amanhã apanho chuva
e nem me pendurei no botão da saturação. em Cascais.
Publicado por
Ana V.
10:23 PM
TAGS Photos, WalkTheWalk
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
uma vela ao longe a passar
Publicado por
Ana V.
10:49 AM
TAGS Photos, Stuff, WalkTheWalk
aperto, nó
preparava-me para mergulhar no Walden, ironicamente frente a um Atlântico azul, quando a conversa da mesa matinal ao lado me desfocou as páginas. mãe e filha discutiam procedimentos médicos que deduzi terem sido seguidos no tratamento e alívio de um cancro. a morfina, os testes, as dores, o que tinha sucedido nesta e naquela data. a doença tinha durado três anos desde os testes iniciais até à morte do pai, há dez dias atrás. a filha, parecendo aborrecida ou nervosa - reacção cega que por vezes resulta da dor, tentava puxar a mãe para a vida com as coisas que se dizem: a mãe tem que tratar de si, a saudade nunca acaba, a dor não desaparece mas temos que viver com ela. pessoas inteligentes, resistir. e a mãe diz só: mas ele era o meu amor!
Publicado por
Ana V.
10:20 AM
TAGS meia de leite, Stuff, WalkTheWalk
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The Reveries of the Solitary Walker. First Walk
HERE I am, then, alone on the earth, having neither brother, neighbour, friend, or society but myfelf. The most sociable and the most: friendly of mankind is proscribed from the rest by universal consent. They have fought in the refinements of their malice to find out that torment which could most afflict my tender heart ; they have violently broken every tie which held me to them : I had loved mankind in spite of themselves. They had no other means than ceasing to be such of avoiding my affection. They are therefore unknown foreigners; nothing, in fact, to me, since they will have it so. But I, withdrawn from them and from every thing, what am I then? This remains to be fought into. Unfortunately, this research must be preceded by a view of my situation. This is an idea thro' which I muft necessarily pass, to arrive from them to me.
For fifteen years and more that I am in this strange situation, it still seems to me a dream. I continually imagine an indigestion troubles me, that I sleep badly, and that I am going to awake quite eased of all my pain, and am once more with my friends. Yes, without doubt, I must, without perceiving it, have skipped from labour to rest, or rather from life to death. Torn, I don't know how, from the order of things, I find myfelf precipitated into an incomprehensible chaos, where I can't distinguish the least thing; and the more I reflect on my present situation, the less I comprehend where I am.
Ah I how could I foresee the fate which awaited me ? How can I yet conceive it, at this moment that I am devoted to it? Could I, in my right senses, suppose a time when I, the same man I was, the same I still am, sbould be called, sbould be held, without the least doubt, a monster, a corrupter of mankind, an assassin; that I should become the aversion of the human race, the sport of the rabble ; that all the salutation I should receive from those who passed me would be spitting at me; that a whole generation would divert themselves, by common accord, in burying me alive ? When this strange revolution took place, taken unprepared, I was at first lost as in a maze. My agitation, my indignation, plunged me into a delirium which ten years were not too much to calm; and in this interval, falling from error to error, from fault to fault, from folly to folly, my imprudence supplied the directors of my destiny with all the instruments they have ingeniously set to work to fix it without a hope.
Publicado por
Ana V.
12:11 AM
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Publicado por
Ana V.
10:33 PM
TAGS Photos, Stuff, WalkTheWalk
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
piqueniques com a tia Dionísia
walking the walk
Publicado por
Ana V.
11:40 PM
TAGS WalkTheWalk