light gazing, ışığa bakmak

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

"Bored", quando Adrienne Eisen se entedia

O hipertexto e a literatura digital, a explosão de uma bolha. Adrienne Eisen é uma das bolas de sabão. Este tipo de texto atrai-me mas, mais do que esse estalo pessoal, a ficção em hipertexto questiona o lugar e a direcção das letras. Seja qual for o destino dos tomos em papel encadernado, esta é uma nova forma de expressão.

Aqui, "Bored", um segmento de "Six Sex Scenes" de Adrienne Eisen.

"I thought my life was so ordinary that I wrote my sixth-grade autobiography about my cousin Jenny. In class we all hand bound our autobiographies, and I gave mine to my parents for their anniversary. My dad took it as a sure sign I would get into Yale. This Yale thing was a big deal to him, because we were the only Jewish family in the world who could become fourth-generation-Yale in this century. Dad figured that out. It was all up to me, and my little brother, Marc.

. . . . BO RE D

Marc and I felt no presssure, though, because in our eyes everyone went to Yale. So at night, while our parents worked until 9:30, Marc and I would completely ignore our homework. We'd order out pizza or Chinese food for dinner, and read the "Britannica" until someone came home to tell us to go to bed.

After a while I noticed that the kids in school who had a lot to talk about all talked about TV. I told my parents I needed a TV. Mom told me to call an electronics store and have them deliver one. This was the type of thing the spare Visa card in the kitchen drawer was good for. The TV came right away, but I never remembered to take it out of the box. "

(Adrienne Eisen, 1995)

E outros nomes:
Mark Amerika
Stuart Moulthrop
Caitlin Fischer

"Digital Lit: some directions", uma colecção muito boa de links.
"Análisis contextual de la obra completa de Adrienne Eisen", em espanhol, de Eduardo Cantero (parabéns pela página, Eduardo, excelente!)
Eduardo Cantero entrevista Adrienne
Lourdes Gimeno entrevista Adrienne
Em "Histories of Internet Art", a página de Adrienne Eisen, um bom site


"I think computer-based writing is just different. Like, there's poetry, there are comic strips, there's hypertext. I think that just like a good comic strip could not be a sonnet, good hypertext could not be anything else. So to that extent, I guess computer-based writing opened up the world for certain people to express themselves who would have otherwise been squashed into forms of writing that are unnatural to those writers. "
Adrienne Eisen, em entrevista a Adrienne por Grace Stearns.

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