light gazing, ışığa bakmak

Friday, April 4, 2008


Morning Sea
Constantine P. Cavafy

Let me stop here. Let me, too, look at nature awhile.
The brilliant blue of the morning sea, of the cloudless sky,
the shore yellow; all lovely,
all bathed in light

Let me stand here. And let me pretend I see all this
(I actually did see it for a minute when I first stopped)
and not my usual day-dreams here too,
my memories, those sensual images.

Absolutamente favorito, de cabeceira, de quarto, de todo o lado. Aqui uma extensa colecção apropriada para fins-de-semana, menores e bebés em idade de choco. Ao sabor de um Chop Suey descontextualizado - obrigada Pedro - (Legend has it that, while he was visiting New York City, Chinese ambassador Li Hung Chang's cooks invented the dish for his American guests at a dinner on August 29, 1896. Composed of celery, bean sprouts, and meat in a tasty sauce, the dish was supposedly created to satisfy both Chinese and American tastes.), mas com muita dedicação. E que tal baralhar ainda mais continentes e afluentes com um mojito hortelânico?
Desejo de um bom fim-de-semana.

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