Octávio e Gustavo Paldolfo, de São Paulo, "ficaram conhecidos em SP por seus grafites com mensagens políticas nas ruas da cidade." (daqui) Em 2006 em Nova Iorque, este ano na ARCO de Madrid. Esta presença em Madrid, cidade de movimento, despoletou um interesse generalizado em Espanha:
"Octavio y Gustavo Pandolfo son los artistas del graffiti que se esconden tras el tag Os Gemeos, y sí, son gemelos idénticos. Sus primeras obras se pudieron ver a principios de los ochenta en las calles de Sao Paulo, su ciudad natal. Sus pinturas murales tienen un inconfundible estilo en el que aparecen personajes con grandes cabezas amarillas y cuerpos cuadrados que congelan situaciones de la vida cotidiana: el amor, una detención o la nostalgia del recuerdo. Actualmente llevan a cabo exposiciones por todo el mundo y la última se pudo ver en Madrid. En esta muestra observamos que habían vestido a algunos de los personajes que aparecen en sus obras con prints de Prada y Louis Vuitton. " (texto e imagem daqui, um blogue interessante, de Borja Rodriguéz)
Em 1999 passaram por Portugal, não para uma Bienal ou Exposição ou... mas de férias, em Carcavelos.
Some unique styles have developed in Brazil as a result of its relative isolation from the rest of graffiti culture. What are the big stylistic and tools differences?
"At first we were the same as the others, painting b-boys and generally staying close to the themes in hip hop culture. As time passed, naturally things changed. We never forgot the roots, but we decided to go our own way.
As for techniques, here in São Paulo things are different. We decided to use different materials (for example, latex) not only because it is more economical, but because it's more available, it covers so well, and because it supports what we find in the streets. We always use latex for backgrounds and then outline in spray. Yellow latex and red spraypaint are used just for bombing. For the big panels, we use only spray paint. We think that latex goes with our culture.
Perhaps because we had no information about graffiti in the beginning, it helped us a lot. We never watched anyone else painting. The only things that we had were some flicks and a piece of film that showed us graffiti. So we tried to discover how these things were done. We think we ended up discovering other things as a result. "
A entrevista toda, aqui.
Aqui, na Deitch. Este Verão, Os Gémeos colaborarão na pintura de uma fachada da Tate. São Paulo velejando...
"In the first commission to use the iconic river façade of Tate Modern, the gallery will present the work of six internationally acclaimed artists, whose work is intricately linked to the urban environment. Street Art at Tate Modern, sponsored by Nissan QASHQAI, opens on 23 May and is the first major public museum display of Street Art in London.
All six artists are represented in major collections around the world and regularly shown in gallery exhibitions and biennales but their work began in public urban spaces and remains indebted to Street Art and graffiti traditions. The artists are: Blu from Bologna, Italy; the artist collective Faile from New York, USA; JR from Paris, France; Nunca and Os Gemeos, both from Sao Paulo, Brazil and Sixeart from Barcelona, Spain. " (daqui)
Entre Maio e Agosto de 2008, na Tate. Ora aqui está uma coisa que eu vou ver!
light gazing, ışığa bakmak
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Os Gêmeos
Publicado por
Ana V.
3:56 PM
TAGS Graffiti Art
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isto não tem nada a ver com os graffiti portugueses, grande qualidade
Também devemos ter alguns, mas os que temos não pintam fachadas de museu de arte contemporânea! :)
Bom resto de semana.
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