light gazing, ışığa bakmak

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

se calhar estás destinada a fazer linhas tortas

um livrinho que se me colou ao serão, em detrimento de acontecimentos porventura mais importantes e decisivos: Guernica, um livro dobrável da Scala. a total curiosidade levou à colecção desdobrável; não é só arte, a escolha foi perfeita em Madrid. depois deste, Las Meninas. os temas: crying women, mother and child, horses and bulls, the fallen warrior.

"Of the five adult human faces in the finished work, four are of women. Following the initial reports of the bombing came news of the women and children fleeing the city, vulnerable to further bombing as well as to illness and starvation. Picasso produced a series of heads of weeping women, which he continued after the completion of Guernica. A common image in Spanish religious art, the 'weeping woman' can be seen to represent a very Spanish angle on a tragedy that was emblematic of a worldwide political crisis."

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