light gazing, ışığa bakmak

Sunday, December 6, 2009

se bem

que seja já no capítulo 3, encontrei na secção de book swapping um livro engraçado que começa com esta ideia:

"For the first two million years, both the hominid's body and brain slowly enlarged. And then over the next one million years, a remarkable change occurred: while its stature increased only minimally, its brain acquired one extra pound of neural tissue, primarily in the neocortex. At the same time, the brain's functions split up in two - a revolucionary development made necessary because evolution had to rewire one lobe to accomodate speech.

To place this event in context, a brief review of the brain is in order. All vertebrates, beginning with fish, have a bilobed brain. And each of these anatomically mirror-image hemispheric lobes perform the same type of tasks. The human brain lobes, while appearing symmetrical, are functionally different. This specialization is called hemispheric lateralization. There is evidence of this feature in some other vertebrates, but its manifestation in behavior (speech and handedness) are far more striking in humans than in any other species."

admitindo que coloco os testes right brain-left brain junto aos quizzes facebookianos e aos testes ele-é-o-homem-da-tua-vida? das crónica femininas actuais, também é verdade que nessa cultura pop das ideias feitas e pseudo-científicas, o lado esquerdo do discurso é normalmente associado à mulher, o espaço ao homem. Shlain troca estas voltas e "ends his book with an optimistic appraisal that the proliferation of images in film, TV, graphics, and computers is once again reconfiguring the brain by encouraging right hemispheric modes of thought and bringing about the reemergence of the feminine.", da contra-capa. de caminho atribui quase todos os pecados mortais da humanidade ao discurso linear e à linguagem.


Pecola said...

Agora fiquei curiosa.

Sidebar: Se bem que ultimamente ande conscientemente a deixar estas questões na prateleira e ainda não saiba porquê.

[Com certeza ando distraída; o Facebook há.de ter um quiz que me dará a resposta que procuro.]


Ana V. said...

Não dá muito jeito ler um livro enquanto se carrega um livro.. :))
