light gazing, ışığa bakmak

Friday, February 5, 2010

outra noite de cinema

Mean Streets
Martin Scorsese

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

"But down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean, who is neither tarnished nor afraid.", Raymond Chandler em "The Simple Art of Murder"

entre este e o Jarmusch de Dead Man, não são as meninas apenas props? (a ver-rever, todo o cinema Scorsese. à procura das mulheres Scorsese. tenho a impressão que o catolicismo nunca fez bem a ninguém nessa área)

"At one point, late in the film, he goes into the bar, orders scotch and holds his fingers over the glass as the bartender pours, copying the position of the priest's fingers over the chalice. That kind of sacramental detail would also be a motif in ``Taxi Driver,'' where overhead shots mirror the priest's-eye-view of the altar, and the hero also places his hand in a flame. Everything leads, as it must, to the violent conclusion, in which Michael, the loan shark who feels insulted, drives while a gunman (Scorsese) fires in revenge. Who can be surprised that Charlie, after the shooting, is on his knees?" daqui.


Anonymous said...

"there s this ambivalent attitude toward women .the men are fascinated by women ,but they don t quite know how to relate to them -you re raised to worship women .but you don t know how to approach them on a human level."

Anonymous said...

"taxi driver is my feminist film ,who say s a feminist film has to be about women"

Ana V. said...

há ideias que são como escorregas..

trout said...

"he s buying the guns and the dealer lays them out one of a time on the velvet like arranging the altar during mass"
