light gazing, ışığa bakmak

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Ten, de Kiarostami.
"Speaking of pathways, it brings to mind the moment in Godard/Gorin's Vent D'est (Wind From the East, 1968) where the late, great Brazilian director Glauber Rocha – like Kiarostami today, the pre-eminent Third World filmmaker of his generation – stands at a forked path and speaks about the two directions open to the cinema at that particular historical juncture: “That way is the cinema of aesthetic adventure and philosophical enquiry, while this way is the Third World cinema – a dangerous cinema, divine and marvellous, where the questions are practical ones…”", daqui.

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"Kundera tells a fascinating story that genuinely impressed me: he relates how his father’s lexical range diminished with age and, at the endo of his life, was reduced to two words: “It’s strange!” Of course, he hadn’t reached that point because he had nothing much to say anymore but because those two words effectively summed up his life’s experience. They were the very essence of it. Perhaps that’s the story behind minimalism too...", Kiarostami, daqui.

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