light gazing, ışığa bakmak

Monday, September 27, 2010


de Terence Malick.

"He needed me now more than ever, but something had come beteen us. I'd stopped even paying attention to him. Instead I sat in the car and read a map and spelled out entire sentences with my tongue on the roof of mouth where nobody could read them. ", todo o script aqui.

""The critics talked about influences on the picture and in most cases referred to films I had never seen. My influences were books like The Hardy Boys, Swiss Family Robinson, Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn--all involving an innocent in a drama over his or her head. I didn't actually think about those books before I did the script, but it's obvious to me now. Nancy Drew, the children's story child detective--I did think about her.

"There is some humour in the picture, I believe. Not jokes. It lies in Holly's mis-estimation of her audience, of what they will be interested in or ready to believe. (She seems at time to think of her narration as like what you get in audio-visual courses in high school.) When they're crossing the badlands, instead of telling us what's going on between Kit and herself, or anything of what we'd like and have to know, she describes what they ate and what it tasted like, as though we might be planning a similar trip and appreciate her experience, this way.", de uma entrevista com Malick, aqui.

o melhor de Terence Malick e o primeiro, algumas imagens memoráveis como a cama em chamas ou o piano. penso que há mais pianos a arder no cinema mas não me recordo onde. o certo estrangement que é a personalidade de Kit tem muitos paralelos nos anos 60 e 70 como tem a morte por razão nenhuma (I just wanted to be a criminal). engraçado que, olhando de novo, nos dois filmes, um por dia, Badlands (1973) e La Boulangère de Monceau (1963), e por mais que Malick diga que prefere as mulheres: male manipulation, passive female. em Rohmer isto não quer dizer nada, todas as possibilidades vão ser mostradas, todos os duetos quartetos e outras possibilidades caleidoscópicas de posicionamento entre duas ou mais pessoas, homens ou mulheres. do outro lado, os chamados papéis estão mais escritos em pedra. papéis, modelo, estrutura, convenção, não -claramente- os de 1973. estes modelos-estrutura descompuseram-me a vida durante uma década. um crash course em diversidade.

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