light gazing, ışığa bakmak

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


"[A] Woman from the audience asks: "Why are there so few women on this pannel? Why are there so few women in this whole week's program? Why were there so few women among the Beat writers?" And [Gregory] Corso, suddenly utterly serious, leans forward and says: "There were women, they were there, I knew them, their families put them in institutions, they were given electric shock. In the 50's if you were male you could be a rebel, but if you were a female your families had you locked up. There were cases, I knew them, someday someone will write about them."
from Steven Scobie's account of the Naropa Institute tribute to Ginsberg, July 1994.

do livro Women of the Beat Generation. entre o não haver mulheres e o locked up a dificuldade está em escolher. depois de ter encontrado a mulher de LeRoi Jones e a filha de Kerouac no muito bom The Portable Beat Reader. entre women e girls vão umas braçadas.

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