light gazing, ışığa bakmak

Monday, March 21, 2011

the best

por oitenta e oito cêntimos americanos, chegou Native American Literatures que dá um salto geográfico no quarto capítulo. para perspectivar o outro é necessário saber quem se é, aparentemente.

"Historically, questions of who and what constitute the best authors and literary texts have pivoted around discussions about the interaction between the good (ethics), the true (metaphysics and physics), and the beautiful (aesthetics). If an appropriate interaction between the good, the true, and the beautiful is not realized in a work of art, excesses occur. Too close attention to the good, for example, often produces dogmatism. Over attention on the true fosters the pedantic.And belief that art exists for its own sake often creates disassociation from social interchange. Elitism frequently results, with the attendant division between high and low culture. (...)

(...) "'Each epoch favors a certain genre' [Ortega y Gasset]. Often, literary history is the story of such favoritism: from myth (the story of the gods); to epic (the story of culture heroes); to tragey (the story of noble characters whose poor choices eventuate in catastrophe); to comedy (a narrrative that discloses the follies of human beings who eventually recognize their frailties and make positive change); and so forth. Not that any era does not produce a variety of genre, however, but that each epoch seems to favor a certain genre - often in connection with particular philosophic presumptions or preoccupations of the times.

The twentieth century, for example, could be called the age of the novel."

Suzanne Lundquist em Native American Literatures, an Introduction.
um tipo de colecção, ou de lanterna para andar no escuro.

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