light gazing, ışığa bakmak

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


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"Bare facing an image is meaningless or dreadful so to say, it demands a complimentary explanation. The obvious questions you might need an answer for are Who? (took the picture), Where? or When? (has it been taken). Words then will try to eliminate the terrible dumbness of image and be your guide to read them.
At the very beginning, the artist himself is also hiring words when puts a name for his series. He might go further and name each piece of the series separately, describe his aim for taking it, put a statement on or accompany it with a story or include a biography for each subject.
How far the consumption of words (or avoiding it) should affect a photo and whether it might add any value to it certainly depends on the artist’s vision and the piece itself."


"Mohammadreza Mirzaei’s Rewind collection (2007-2009) freed itself from any obligation and let the audience roam through various questions. His shots are without any further explanation which could be satisfying, such as: Where is this place? Who is the character on the photo? What are the objects and shapes? Whom do they belong? What’s the story behind each frame?
Every time the spectator tries to discover the Rosetta Stone of a photo, he/she falls again in a pot filled with questions and leaves no other way but to go back and refer to the photograph’s statement, read between the lines hoping to find a clue which could bind those seemingly irrelevant pictures to each other; Each frame, a fragment of my memories."

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