light gazing, ışığa bakmak

Saturday, September 3, 2011

beauty (2)

e provavelmente existirão muitas outras beauties nos próximos meses. ainda deste The Abuse of Beauty: Aesthetics and the Concept of Art, esta citação de uma senador conservador dos anos da guerra fria: "Modern Art is communistic because it is distorted and ugly, because it does not glorify our beautiful contry, our cheerful and smiling people, and our material progress. Art which does not beautify our country in plain simple terms that everyone can understand breeds dissatisfaction. It is therefore opposed to our government and those who create and promote it are our enemies". para além do fantástico smiling people, lembro-me da estação Centrale de Milão, claramente beautifying e sendo facilmente entendida por todos com os seus leões alados e as colossais colunas.

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