light gazing, ışığa bakmak

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

How To Paint A Water Lily
Ted Hughes

A green level of lily leaves
Roofs the pond's chamber and paves

The flies' furious arena: study
These, the two minds of this lady.

First observe the air's dragonfly
That eats meat, that bullets by

Or stands in space to take aim;
Others as dangerous comb the hum

Under the trees. There are battle-shouts
And death-cries everywhere hereabouts

But inaudible, so the eyes praise
To see the colours of these flies

Rainbow their arcs, spark, or settle
Cooling like beads of molten metal

Through the spectrum. Think what worse
is the pond-bed's matter of course;

Prehistoric bedragoned times
Crawl that darkness with Latin names,

Have evolved no improvements there,
Jaws for heads, the set stare,

Ignorant of age as of hour—
Now paint the long-necked lily-flower

Which, deep in both worlds, can be still
As a painting, trembling hardly at all

Though the dragonfly alight,
Whatever horror nudge her root.


Pecola said...

Aquela seriedade antropológica dele não resiste à imagem daquela dentadinha de amor da Plath quando se conheceram. =oP

Ana V. said...


Ana V. said...

mas ele não devia ser coisinha que se cheirasse

Pecola said...

Ui, pois não. E leres a versão de Ariel organizada por ele comparada com a versão da filha dá mesmo espaço para pensar como era e como queria evitar que os outros o vissem aos olhos de quem o conhecia. Ai, se a Sylvia tivesse um blog. ;o)

Ana V. said...

Wow, não sabia! Já conheci gente assim... (e se tivesse facebook! :)))
