light gazing, ışığa bakmak

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

25 de Abril (3) (' we feel free because we lack the very language to articulate our unfreedom')

"Economic globalization is gradually but inexorably undermining the legitimacy of western democracies. Due to their international character, large economic processes cannot be controlled by democratic mechanisms which are, by definition, limited to nation states. In this way, people more and more experience institutional democratic forms as unable to capture their vital interests." (daqui)

do mesmo artigo:

"In an old joke from the defunct German Democratic Republic, a German worker gets a job in Siberia. Aware of how all mail will be read by censors, he tells his friends:
 "Let's establish a code: if a letter you will get from me is written in ordinary blue ink, it is true; if it is written in red ink, it is false."
 After a month, his friends get the first letter written in blue ink:
 "Everything is wonderful here: stores are full, food is abundant, apartments are large and properly heated, movie theatres show films from the west, there are many beautiful girls ready for an affair – the only thing unavailable is red ink."

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"In April 2000, Ben & Jerry's sold the company to British-Dutch multinational food giant Unilever."
não sabia.

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