um ponto alto de visitar a Herdade do Esporão, para além dos pontos altos mais óbvios como os vinhos e o restaurante, é o design de Gonçalo Prudêncio, ou seja, da na altura, quando perguntei, informaram-me apenas que era um designer português e que ia ser possível adquirir aquelas peças em breve. na página da Herdade refere-se um 'designer português', sem o nomear. é pena: Gonçalo Prudêncio deve ser nomeado o mais possível e, sim, todas as peças de mobiliário que vi na Herdade do Esporão podem ser adquiridas ao próprio. a sua combinação com as mantas alentejanas de Mizette é perfeita. peças com pensamento e com razão de ser, peças que estão no mesmo lugar das que vi na Escandinávia ou em Milão.
galeria de fotos da aqui.
para comprar seja o que for: aqui.
declaração de intenções no site: is a furniture project designed, manufactured and sold by GPOD.
It is inspired on what Indie represents within the music industry. By remaining independent it conquers the space for pure reflection, and for defining its own set of operating rules – aesthetically and otherwise. Its reflection, more than formal, is mostly about the social and economical aspects surrounding the design industry. It is aimed at understanding quality and the necessary mechanisms to achieve it, as well as how design products become part of everyone’s lives.
Being independent of any establishment, due to the intrinsic freedom to define the what-to-do, the why-doing-it and the how-to-do-it, with a fairly high level of risk control, makes it easier to address complex issues like sustainability or cultural identity, as well as other social issues surrounding the manufacture of utilitarian goods, in order to try out ideas that could then be applied on a bigger scale.
The following 4 topics are the guiding lines of the whole development:
1 – Economy of Scale - To make a fundamental premise out of the perfect balance between economical viability and ecological impact of any product.
2- Mass Customization – An essential tool for having context sensitive products
3- Glocal - To eventually sell everywhere, but to always produce where one’s selling it, and always using locally produced materials.
4- Ethical - Design products do not constitute a primary need. Although, a percentage of their sales can be. will always team up with local NGOs to define a donation model.
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