labiríntico autor. e para que seja procurável: "Among the imagined books was a novel called Harel Bey, in which a civilized Westerner and an Eastern barbarian slowly come to resemble each other, finally changing places." Pamuk em Istanbul.
ou nas palavas do próprio: 'Harel-Bey', an Eastern story. 'If I were younger and had the money, I'd go back to the Orient—to study the modern Orient, the Orient of the Isthmus of Suez. A big book about that is one of my old dreams. I'd like to show a civilised man who turns barbarian, and a barbarian who becomes a civilised man—to develop that contrast between two worlds that end up merging…But it's too late.'
ou seja, o enredo da história de The White Castle. "Tricky devil, isn't he?", diz James Markus de Pamuk. também diz: "As for the translation by Maureen Freely, Pamuk is rumored to like it so much that he's asked her to re-translate some of his earlier work, including The Black Book." o que faz sentido. (ainda bem que de português ele não percebe nada)
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