light gazing, ışığa bakmak

Saturday, September 28, 2013

'ceaseless dreams of wandering'

"The days and months are travellers of eternity, just like the years that come and go. For those who pass their lives afloat on boats, or face old age leading horses tight by the bridle, their journeying is life, their journeying is home. And many are the men of old who met their end upon the road.
       How long ago, I wonder, did I see a drift of cloud borne away upon the wind, and ceaseless dreams of wandering become aroused? Only last year, I had been wandering along the coasts and bays; and in the autumn I swept away the cobwebs from my tumbledown hut on the banks of the Sumida and soon afterwards saw the old year out. But when the spring mists rose up into the sky, the gods of desire possessed me, and burned my mind with the longing to go beyond the barrier at Shirakawa. The spirits of the road beckoned me, and I could not concentrate on anything. So I patched up my trousers, put new cords in my straw hat, and strengthened my knees with moxa. A vision of the moon at Matsushima was already in my mind. I sold my hut and wrote this just before moving to a cottage owned by Sampû:

even this grass hut
       could for the new owner be
              a festive house of dolls!

This was the first of an eight verse sequence, which I left hanging on a post inside the hut."

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the breathtaking opening of Oku no Hosomichi, Matsuo Bashô.

deixar tudo e ir.
On the poet's Trail-

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