light gazing, ışığa bakmak

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

'Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.'

para além de ter lugar mais que marcado no casablanca, chegou-me finalmente às mãos Winter Notes on Summer Impressions. (ainda em expansão radiante a partir daquele primeiro parágrafo de The Black Book e com vontade de lhe agradecer)

"For months now, my friends, you have been urging me to give you a description of my impressions while travelling in foreign lands, never suspecting that you are thereby placing me in a quandary. What shall I tell you? What shall I say that is new, that has not been told before? Who of us Russians (those, at least, that read periodicals) does not know Europe twice as well as he knows Russia? I have put down “twice” merely out of politeness, I should probably have said “ten times better”.
Dostoyevsky em Winter Notes on Summer Impressions.

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