light gazing, ışığa bakmak

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

' To the victors belong the spoils.' (get over it), o suspiro do mouro

um artigo na Paris Review sobre a intenção turca de fazer retornar a Hagia Sofia a mesquita muçulmana, desfazendo a ordem de Atatürk dos anos trinta.

On May 29, 1453, Mehmed II and his army entered the city, immediately marching on Hagia Sophia. In their book Strolling Through Istanbul, John Freely and Hilary Sumner-Boyd describe how Mehmed “dismounted at the door of the church and bent down to take a handful of earth, which he then sprinkled over his turban as an act of humility before God.” 

sobre este assunto comentou c. arribas: "When the last Muslim king in Spain rode out from Granada in tears, his mother is said to have told him "You weep like a woman for what you were unable to defend like a man." The same applies here to the Greek Orthodox. To the victors belong the spoils."

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para alguém exterior ao país, e para mais vivendo o tal-ocidente submerso em terror islâmico, aquilo pode parecer mais uma página da guerra muda entre nós e o islão. não é bem assim, porém: a secularização de Atatürk está no coração da moderna república e atacá-la é afrontar a própria república, por um lado; o regime ditatorial que domina o país cresce a cada mês que passa e é esta sombra que ameaça a aparente normalidade, por outro. tudo revolve em torno da apropriação em curso e que é, como todas as ditaduras, brutal, cega, sem vergonha.

as for Boabdil... As for Boabdil, he ended his days in Morocco, lamenting the loss of his beloved Granada. On the road leading from Granada to the coast, there is a spot known as El suspiro del moro (The Sigh of the Moor). Legend has it that here Boabdil turned for a last, lingering look at the city. His sigh prompted a crushing rebuke from his mother: "Weep like a woman you who were unable to defend your kingdom like a man." daqui.

histórias da história.

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