light gazing, ışığa bakmak

Thursday, February 6, 2014

baking with her:

orange marble cake. à mistura de chocolate acrescentei chocolate e extracto de baunilha. a ambas um pouco de sal. simples, decadente de manteiga e certo para o temporal. se eu tivesse sido verdadeiramente esmerada, juntava 1 parte de mascarpone, duas de natas,  icing sugar e baunilha e batia um pouco, para substituir o custard. acabou assim o dia que começou com o scone a introduzir a felicidade matinal.

não não ponho esse açúcar todo. talking wise, wise Tolstoy--

- -

"No, I have not; but this is what I have been thinking and wanted to tell you. There is a war now against Napoleon. If it were a war for freedom I could understand it and should be the first to enter the army; but to help England and Austria against the greatest man in the world is not right."

Prince Andrew only shrugged his shoulders at Pierre's childish words. He put on the air of one who finds it impossible to reply to such nonsense, but it would in fact have been difficult to give any other answer than the one Prince Andrew gave to this naive question.

"If no one fought except on his own conviction, there would be no wars," he said.

"And that would be splendid," said Pierre.

Prince Andrew smiled ironically.

"Very likely it would be splendid, but it will never come about..."

"Well, why are you going to the war?" asked Pierre.

"What for? I don't know. I must. Besides that I am going..." He paused. "I am going because the life I am leading here does not suit me!"

Tolstoi no livro 1 de guerra e paz depois de uma cena conjugal estonteante. engraçado ver que aquela frase não está comentada na net à primeira vista. uma frase para aplicar no dia a dia, com tristeza irónica, por exemplo na Síria.

(Syrian refugees wait to enter Turkey on the Syrian-Turkish border in Shamm Alqrain village, northern countryside of Aleppo Feb 5. [Reuters] elizabeth gorman)


According to the NGO National Forum for the Prevention of Child Labour, there were about 500,000 child sex workers in Brazil in 2012.

de vez em quando era preciso ler notícias verdadeiras, como estas, e desligar da morna apatia dos nossos tristes canais.


Tozzola said...

acho que as tv's têm também aqueles 'espias' que há nas grandes superfícies a verificar os PVP's da concorrência!!
Estava a ver que 2 pacotes de açucar.......

Ana V. said...

meio pacote chega :)
