light gazing, ışığa bakmak

Saturday, March 22, 2014

happy mamma (5) suspiros

100g açúcar, 2 claras à temperatura ambiente. (1cc cream of tartar, 1cc maizena) (flavor+color+sprinkle)
merengue francês que se mantém duas semanas.

(curiosidade: onde isto é comum é no Panamá, of all places, onde se chamam suspiritos)

how to make meringue roses.

ok, dito de maneira mais detalhada:
recipe for suspiros or beijinhos or meringue cookies:
For every two egg whites (room temperature), 100g sugar, a small spoon of cream of tartar and half small spoon of carn starch/Maizena.
Start beating the egg whites until they peak white and then slowly add sugar to which you had added cream of tartar and corn starch. When egg whites are firm and glossy, carefully add small spoon of color and /or flavor.
Pipe mix onto tray protected with baking sheet  (like this:
Take to oven that is about 120º degrees without fan or lower with fan and leave for an hour, an hour and a half. (Feel to make sure they are almost dried and not wet). The objective is to dry them not to bake them, don't let them color. After that time, turn off the oven and let them stay there for another half an hour and them remove to a glass container or some container with tight lid. If they get any humidity they loose crisp and will become soggy. As far as I know they will keep for about at least 2 weeks.

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