light gazing, ışığa bakmak

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

happy mamma (3) suspiros

It has been claimed that meringue was invented in the Swiss village of Meiringen and improved by an Italian chef named Gasparini in the 18th century.[2] However this claim is contested; the Oxford English Dictionary states that the French word is of unknown origin. It is sure nevertheless that the name meringue for this confection first appeared in print in François Massialot's cookbook of 1692.[3] The word meringue first appeared in English in 1706 in an English translation of Massialot's book. Two considerably earlier seventeenth-century English manuscript books of recipes give instructions for confections that are recognizable as meringue, though called "white biskit bread" in the book of recipes started in 1604 by Lady Elinor Fettiplace (c. 1570 – c. 1647) of Appleton in Berkshire (now in Oxfordshire),[4] and called "pets" in the manuscript of collected recipes written by Lady Rachel Fane (1612/13–1680), of Knole, Kent.[5] Slowly baked meringues are still referred to as "pets" (meaning farts in French) in the Loire region of France due to their light and fluffy texture.[6] Meringues were traditionally shaped between two large spoons, as they are generally at home today. Meringue piped through a pastry bag with a gored tip (illustration above) was introduced by Antonin Carême.[7]

na wiki.

more here, so interesting:

n 500 B.C., India was the first country to extract natural cane juice in order to make the first crude sugar, but sugar did not reach Europe until about the twelfth century A.D. when the first Crusaders returned home. For hundreds of years after that sugar remained a highly prized and expensive “spice” used only in the kitchens of royalty and the nobility. In 1493, Christopher Columbus took sugar cane from the Canary Islands to plant in Santo Domingo in the Caribbean and by the middle of the sixteenth century sugar’s manufacture had spread over the greater part of the tropical regions of the Americas. The first sugar refineries opened in London in the 1540s, only a few decades before Lady Fettiplace was born. Thus, both Lady Fettiplace and Lady Fane lived at a time when refined sugar was still a novel and relatively rare food ingredient. The relative rarity of refined sugar prior to the mid-sixteenth century has the further effect of suggesting that it would have been virtually impossible for anyone in Europe or England to have invented a baked beaten-egg-white-and-sugar confection much earlier than the late sixteenth century. The essential ingredients and the means and expertise for making it were not yet in place or even envisioned.

meandros do açúcar.

continuo no merengue, então: morango, laranja, limão nesquik, côco, baunilha, quem sabe açafrão-laranja e água de rosas para adultos. haja extractos e ideias.

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