light gazing, ışığa bakmak

Thursday, June 19, 2014


(...) there’s a fascinating case of four books dating from 16th through the 19th centuries related to this magical pseudoscience, which assesses character and morality from outer appearance, applying the practice of “judging a book by its cover” to the human form. 
 Physiognomy has its roots in antiquity. As early as 500 B.C., Pythagoras was accepting or rejecting students based on how gifted they looked. Aristotle wrote that large-headed people were mean, those with small faces were steadfast, broad faces reflected stupidity, and round faces signaled courage."

a 'pseudo-ciência' do getty, quanto a mim, parece-me certa.

face-reading: o que seria da arte do retrato se todos os seus praticantes lessem a pseudo-ciência getty.

Chandler ensayó sus novelas escribiendo cuentos. Publicó su primer relato largo a los 51 años. Era El sueño eterno (1939).

“When you look into the faces of these quiet creatures who don't know how to tell stories--who are mute, who can't make themselves heard, who fade into the woodwork, who only think of the perfect answer after the fact, after they're back at home, who can never think of a story that anyone else will find interesting--is there not more depth and more meaning in them? You can see every letter of every untold story swimming on their faces, and all the signs of silence, dejection, and even defeat. You can even imagine your own face in those faces, can't you?”
The Black Book, Pamuk

no capítulo seguinte: "Riddles in Faces".

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