light gazing, ışığa bakmak

Monday, May 18, 2015

china today

não é só face, aqui também há links.

"Traditional Chinese family values, often called “Confucian,” were deeply ethical, although not egalitarian. A father had authority over a son, and the son was bound to obey. But the father was bound, too: he had to be a proper father, treating his son as a father should, and could be held up to public scorn if he did not.

Political norms were based on the family model. A ruler had absolute authority over his subjects but was morally bound to treat them properly. If he did not, they could flee or rebel, and the ruler might lose his “heavenly mandate” to rule. And how could rulers learn what proper treatment of subjects was? By reading and internalizing texts. Officials at all levels were chosen through examinations in the Confucian classics, the memorization of which was thought to instill a morality that equipped them to be proper leaders."

um grande artigo da Foreign Affairs., embora "os americanos" estejam em estado de negação em relação ao que se passa. acabou a festa, ocidente. a primeira vez que tomei consciência disto foi quando o meu amigo turco se referiu a mim como ocidental. e claro encontrei Pamuk com as raízes literárias de uma história de ressentimento, com exemplos de Tolstoi. para ouvir também: os diálogos na cnn (!), China Today. aliás toda a CNN China é fascinante, sobre estes mestres estrategas de milénios. basta ver isto.

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