light gazing, ışığa bakmak

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Chain Music I e II

Chain Music I (Quicktime streaming, .mov)

Chain Music II (Quicktime streaming, .mov)

De Ryuichi Sakamoto, online.

(Gears, by Richard, thanks.)

"Sometimes ideas pop into my head without anything to trigger them. I don't know where they come from. But sometimes I need some trigger, something to stimulate me. And it can be anything: just watching CNN news, looking at a photograph, or reading a sentence in a book." "When I have to create something, when I have to write music, it's easier because there's usually a clear direction." (R. Sakamoto, daqui)

Porque hoje estou assim mesmo.

(created by alva noto a.k.a. carsten nicolai. the problematics of speed , the vision of utopia and the dissolution of our ideas into fragments ...speed of data-flow is equivalent to the speed of our time. in an era when virtual products of our ideas are expanding , we are simultaneously positioning a calm point in which to settle ourselves. - you tube text)

1 comment:

jorge vicente said...

e ainda bem. que o projecto é bem interessante. a ideia de uns começarem onde os outros acabaram é um óptimo exercício.

escrita musical criativa!!!!

um beijo
