light gazing, ışığa bakmak

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

"Difficult Breaths", de Nikos Navridis

"Difficult Breath #9"

"Difficult Breath #17"

"Breathing is energy which is not being lost but transmitted, transferred, shared; it is
energy which covers bodies, is projected on them and shapes their forms or transforms
them for an instant. I have thought about what might happen if one could ‘encounter’ a
breath, if one could find oneself within it but also about how one can visualise what is
going on

Nikos Navridis a propósito da exposição conjunta a decorrer na Tate Modern, "Take a Deep Breath" entre 15 e 17 deste mês. A #9 é das melhores imagens que já vi a propósito deste tema.

Na Bienal de Veneza, em 2005, apresentação baseada na peça "Breath" de Beckett.

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