light gazing, ışığa bakmak

Friday, September 2, 2011

'A Life Full of Holes', Yto Barrada

o site.

"The actual situation of the border that I live on is that since 1991 and the developing of the Schengen agreements it's a closed border, and the coincidence is that when the border closed in 1991 the satellite dishes were all over the place with images from the West. Before we had only two channels, one channel – in Morocco there's only one channel, and you could sometimes see Gibraltar and one channel in Spain. All of a sudden you had forty, fifty, a hundred-and-fifty channels from all around the world, and that's when the border closed."
a entrevista, daqui.

em que se tornam claros o desejo, a realidade quotidiana, o passado. o tempo num instante colectivo.

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