light gazing, ışığa bakmak

Thursday, December 12, 2013

museum of innocence,

"A secret voice" on Istanbul Daily Secret:

"We missed them. We missed them like they were real people in a real world with real feelings. When our scout heard of our plight, he told us to chin up because he had a surprise for us. Still wishing there had been one more chapter, we let ourselves be led to The Museum of Innocence only to discover that this is the only museum in the world that is based on a novel (of the same name) and the audio guide is narrated by the writer Orhan Pamuk himself! Headphones on, we listened as he told us about the "Streets that remind me of her" exhibit that shows the roads Kemal refused to go on lest his heart break even further. Grab your copy of his book and let him walk you through it!"

(if i'll make it there i'll make it everywhere)

calha bem agora que, com tempo rarefeito, releio leio partes de the black book. é possível voltar a um livro como se volta a um apartamento onde se morou. hoje, ao considerar a hipótese de voltar aos pinheiros naturais e de devise a grand plan to deal with them, recordei o apartamento do alto, chão cor de rosa e uma vista de enorme mar. como levei a árvore para o alto da torre não sei, mas lembro que a trouxe aos arrastanços, seis andares abaixo, deixando um rasto de agulhas na escadaria branca que a simpática mãe de família do primeiro andar estava encarregue (e cumpria com sentido de missão) de manter em estado de pristina limpeza.

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