o Financial Times, como outros meios de comunicação social, costuma enganar-se em grande. só eu me consigo enganar mais, mas chega a ser difícil.
por exemplo neste artigo: "Mr Putin chose this fight on ground familiar and advantageous to him. He won round one and is still on the move. But it is not clear(!!) if even he knows how the crisis may end. And his blunt use of force will not play well (!!) with the majority of Ukrainians or the world beyond.
The struggle for Ukraine is shaping up to be the kind of contest for power with the Russians that cold war US presidents managed so effectively (!!). Advantage in such a long, twisting contest should shift, in the end, to the stronger, more mature and democratic governments (!!). Mr Putin’s Russia is not among them."
os meus itálicos e pontos de exclamação que exprimem isso mesmo: frases altamente duvidosas ou mesmo causadoras de espanto ou até gargalhada sarcástica.
Poland calls for NATO emergency meeting, saying it believes the Ukraine crisis is a national security threat.
Russia Enlists Chinese Support on Ukraine Position
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Obama 1, Putin 1
Putin recuou diplomaticamente, afinal eram só exercícios. mas no entretanto muita coisa tremeu e o ocidente descobriu que a Rússia já não tem medo. quem diz a Rússia diz outros.
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