light gazing, ışığa bakmak

Saturday, August 30, 2014

'the idle years'

He says: “A rather strange fact observable in the world of literature is that writers of an optimistic nature come less frequently from prosperous, comfortable and materially secure backgrounds than from ones where they had to struggle against hardship and deprivation. This is a rare brand of optimism that defies our usual understanding of the world. … We can see many examples of this hard-won wisdom in the early fiction of Orhan Kemal.”

Pamuk continues: “The author offers reflections on poverty, disease and unemployment in Adana … but at the heart of Orhan Kemal’s fiction is another world, a world not full of anxiety about getting enough to eat -- one he seems to enjoy telling us more about. Here we find close friendships, the intimacy of family life, brotherhood and solidarity, meals shared, innocent neighborhood romances and the pleasures of simply whiling away time.”

de Orhan Kemal com o prefácio de Pamuk que ainda hei-de ler inteiro.

(outra coisa que não fiz: ir ao museu de orhan kemal e estava ali ao lado)

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