light gazing, ışığa bakmak

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Azhdahak's Prison

Azhdahak's Prison

Azhdahak! Your prison is a fortress
With walls of concrete and gates of steel.
Azhdahak! Your prison is on fire and the exits are closed
Men's chains weighted so that they are fixed where they are
Irons around men's hands and feet burning strength from their bodies

The place smells of your mind's venom
Your evil which devises new ways to punish any who think
Your hangmen and vigilantes are good at getting drunk
Drinking the bloods of prisoners

Azhdahak! Whose black spirit lives in terror of the thoughts of other
You feed men's brains to your snakes
Young lives in your chains and bound to their death
Are waiting their sudden and violent end
Wait on their hangings

Thoughts, energy, hope and longing
Strangled with their breath
Or rotting in chains

Azhdahak! Who never stops working
Feeding your infernal vipers with young brains

Sustaining their greed
With arrest, hanging and murder
Then one the blood unlawfully wasted
Ideas you thought to have stifled
Will burn in the furnace
Of Kawa's veins inciting fury

The sledge hammer bearers will rise
At once over their dead sons
And raze your prison
The your men who died behind walls
Will be pride of Kurdistan
Our people shall know their names and their deeds
They shall be cut on the plinth of the nation.

To the false gods of fascism 1953 Sulaimani.

Abdulla Goran
(Kurdish poet)

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(full name, Abdullah Suleiman Goran). Born 1904, in Sulaimaniya, Iraq. Iraqi Kurdish poet. Goran was born into a poet’s family. From 1927 to 1935 he taught school; later, from 1952 to 1954, he edited the newspaper Zhin (Life). He was subjected to persecution and imprisonment for his political activity. Goran’s work began to be published in 1920. His poem Gift From the God of War (1941) is directed against militarism; his qasidas Red Laveks (1950) are directed against imperialist aggression in Korea. At the end of 1958, Goran visited the USSR, where he wrote a series of anti-imperialist poems (Prison of Azhdahak and others).

este artigo é da grande enciclopédia soviética (o que imediatamente faz pensar no significado de enciclopédia e no papel que estes livros tiveram na história dos países).

Azhdakak é um enorme cratera de vulcão da Arménia. um azhdkak também é uma figura mitológic arménia, meio homem meio dragão. esta informação retirada da enciclopédia 'of modern times', a wiki, colaborativa e sem papel.

1953 é o ano da morte de Stalin.

os dois artigos retirados do Historical Dictionary of the Kurds.
depois dos anos 70, uma enorme parte da literatura curda existe como literatura do exílio, principalmente na Alemanha.

a sobrevivência dos curdos como grupo e cultura é uma prova inquestionável da força da origem na estrutura do pensamento humano. somos quem pensamos que somos, quem aprendemos a ser na infância. todos os eldorados não passam deste lugar.

hoje, a herança existe no espaço virtual que se assume como novo território de resistência e de existência. estar aqui é continuar a existir. ver a kurdistanica. qualquer tentativa de simplificação está condenada.

mais poemas, aqui.

sobre a figura mitológica, interessantíssimo, ver aqui.

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